Bei FrameMaker 9 war nach zwei Monaten das erste Patch-Release verfügbar, jetzt ist es auch bei FrameMaker 10 so weit. Fünf Monate sind seit dem Release vergangen und aus wird
Zu den addressierten Themen gehören (eine subjektive Auswahl):
- Print to PDF command now ask PDF destination even for 64 bit machines.
- FrameMaker 10 used to crash on performing spell-check on files having unicode quotation marks i.e. U+2018, U+2019, U+201C, ,U+201D in user dictionary. This has been now fixed.
- Earlier fonts that contain CJK character sets were not showing correct hyphenation for certain words. This has been fixed now.
- FrameMaker 10 used to crash on using Ctrl+F4 to close Book files. This has been fixed.
- FrameMaker was unable to save book, containing files with SVG reference, to XML. This has been fixed.
- Some ExtendScript API’s in FrameMaker had memory leaks. This has been fixed.
- ExtendScript’s „ObjectValid()“ function returned false for each table when we get a list of tables using GetText(). This has been fixed.
- ExtendScript sample „BookMIFWash“ had some errors. This has been fixed.
Nachtrag: Der offizielle Blog-Beitrag zum Update: